There are ways of minimizing the effects of misophonia on one’s life. Most people with misophonia agree that avoiding triggers is the number one method of coping with the disorder. In line with that, lessening the volume or frequency of triggers is also beneficial.
Accommodations and planning ahead also play a significant role. Normal eating sounds can be masked by having the TV on or by playing music. The use of earplugs and headphones ranks high among coping methods. It is often suggested that one always carry earplugs along when leaving home. On planned trips, one should anticipate problem environments. Bus, train, and airplane rides can all present numerous trigger events. Judicial use of headphones can make all the difference in the world.
Therapists, doctors, audiologists, and other healthcare professionals can also provide support. Currently, there are no standardized treatments for misophonia. But there are ways of getting help with symptoms and coping strategies. When the stress of misophonia interferes with work, education, or social life, the professionals can intervene. They can prepare documents to help formulate school environment accommodations. They can also provide similar assistance with workplace modifications.
Online support groups can provide information and support. The Misophonia Support Group on Facebook has over 25,000 members! It can be validating to interact with others who understand exactly how you feel. The group’s members offer examples of their struggles and discuss how they cope with misophonia. Many ask questions about how to handle specific situations. Reading the responses to these requests for help can provide helpful information about what worked and what didn’t.
Here are some suggestions on coping from members of the Misophonia Support Group on Facebook:
Headphones with static is good when triggers are bad at work. I find brown noise is one of the better ones.
I try to either tune out (by focusing on a different sound in the background if available) or drown out sounds that bother me (putting on the TV/Radio) and if it continues I move away from it whenever possible. I’ll go to another room or get as far away from the trigger sounds as I can.
When I can, I remove myself from situation and take quiet time out. If I’m unable to do this I will look for other options such as earplugs or headphones to block (trigger sounds) out. If it’s a visual trigger, I try to avert my eyes and distract my attention.
If I can’t leave a situation for polite reasons, I’ll put my elbow on the table and lean my head into my hand on the side the person making the noise is, with one of my fingers pressed onto my ear to block the sound. You can then also make a humming noise in your throat like heavy breathing that no-one else can hear. The blocked ear makes this sound much louder in your head and really helps to block out the irritating noise.
Managing my stress levels is critical for coping. Also using headphones while at work to tune out noises when trying to concentrate.
I have a fan at my desk to tune out keyboard, mouse clicking, and eating sounds of coworkers in adjacent cubicles. When it’s particularly bad, I put on my headphones and listen to music or a podcast. It helps tremendously. I use the large over the ear, Audio-Technica headphones 🎧 which also make me feel more protected—sort of like a weighted blanket for the ears and head.
Making sure I am getting enough sleep, not overly stressed, and generally healthy helps me cope so much better. For those times when life gets busy/crazy using CBD oil in acute situations helps. I always have background music on. It helps to have something else to focus on. And I sleep with white noise 🙂
I always make sure I have headphones with me . Also, I make sure I have a charging bank, charger wire, and charging case so I’m not going to be without my phone. (Use it to play music and white noise)
I use white noise hearing aids whenever I’ll be eating with others.
Block or escape really seems to be the only things we can do. Some people do meditation or yoga to control emotions to not lose it. As I said, I basically run away from trigger and then block with headphones, earphones, or with other sounds.
Ear plugs! And I stay away from most people and situations where I could be triggered.
If I have my earplugs and can put them in, that’s my go to strategy. If I don’t have my earplugs, I plug my ears and take deep breaths. I tell myself “sounds can’t hit me! I am safe! This is not a personal attack! That is a good person! Sounds can’t hurt me! I am safe!” I tell myself his repeatedly. If I can move away from the sound, I do that.
Mindfulness to improve my self-control, earplugs when is it possible, and sometimes get away from it and be alone.
Earplugs, headphones, delta waves. If I can escape the situation I will but my main trigger is unfortunately there most of the time. This week I’ve tried taking a different approach to just sitting with headphones on, in my head I keep telling myself that ‘it’s ok’, ‘the noise isn’t even that intrusive.’ Last night, I just couldn’t face it though, so it was headphones, earplugs and white noise.
The only things that help is stopping the sound or me leaving the area.
I try to focus on thinking that it is not the other person’s fault, they are not doing it on purpose to annoy me, it has varying levels of success, sometimes I can tolerate the trigger for a bit longer, sometimes I don’t even remember to try to focus. I also listen to audio-books with headphones and try to focus on the plot. Sometimes I combine the audio-book with white noise.
CBD, earplugs under Bose Quiet Comfort headphones, portable air-conditioning unit, fan (try different brands), “hear” app for extreme cases (dislocates sound), Sometimes Kava Kava
Earplugs are an absolute must! Leaving the situation is best, but if unable to then music to help drown noises out. Weed helps with the rage reaction and ups your empathy.
I avoid trigger spots altogether and prepare for irritation with earplugs always at the ready.
I joined a support group on Facebook.
Generally, I can cope like a normal person, but when it gets too much for me to handle , I run, very fast , away from everyone.
I leave the room if I can, I put my sweatshirt on to not see motion, turning on my robot vacuum really helps.
Depends on the situation and location. If home with family I ask them to stop or modify what they’re doing, or go to different room. At work I put in earbuds. In public I leave if I can.
Removing myself from the situation, earplugs, trying not to take myself too seriously, lots of laughter.